Start A New Adventure!
IIlustrator / Character Pixel Artist
Job position to work Full-time in our offices located in Guadalajara.
Who are we looking for?
-We are looking for artist who want to be among the best in the world. Dedicated with the team to contribute an excellent professional level and grow together.
-Candidates who believe in us and our project. Convinced to make the company from a Startup to one of the best companies in the entertainment industry, with an entrepreneurial spirit and visionaries of an unique opportinuty. Looking at themselves developing the best videogames ever!
-A positive person, social, educated, humble, kind and willing to challenge and surpass himself every day.
-A badass specialist to illustrate characters and bosses, to give them their own touch that characterizes them and makes them unique, mainly for Pixel Art, but also something of HQ Art. Also with knowledge in other art positions such as 2D Pixel Art animation.
Visual Style
In this Pack, you can download a folder of drawings by several artists that inspire us. We also think about our future games when we are looking for an artist. In our future projects we will use visual styles such as Nintendo, Capcom, Blizzard and games like Darksouls, Castlevania, Shovel Knight, Mario RPG, Earthbound, Undertale, IB, Yume Nikki.
-Someone said Pack? Gimme my Zelda!
You are going to:
-Create pixel art for characters, bosses and props of the game in pixel art, such as items, tables, chests etc.
-Contribute with your art in the cinematics of the game with pixel art and HQ Art.
-Create HQ illustrations for marketing content.
-Create concept art for characters and monsters.
-Create special effects.
-Create things never done before in the industry! Deathrosa will have a demanding and ambitious design that seeks to create new rules in the game industry, new genres, experiment new techniques, and polish the idea to reach the perfection. You will accept each new idea, no matter the impossible it may seem, you will take it as a personal challenge and show the world how things are done.
-While your specialty will not be the animation, you must work sometimes in some animations.
-Although your specialty will be the characters, we will also need your talent to draw worlds in pixel art and HQ art for in game content, cinematics, and work as a team with the Environment Artist.
-Collaborate with the design team to provide new ideas and conceptual art.
-Advanced knowledge in Photoshop.
-A portfolio that demonstrates your skills in both Pixel art and HQ AAA Art.
-Great talent to draw funny and crazy characters in pixel art, similar to the Deathrosa style and with perspective domain in characters.
-Knowledge in 2D animation for characters in photoshop.
-Availability of time to work overtime when necessary, and dedication.
-Be the nerd of the nerds in your neighborhood.
Adventages (Not obligatory):
-Experience as a professional artist in the entertainment industry.
-Experience in 3D.
-Experience in Animation.
-Experience creating VFX.
-Experience with other software such as Painter, Unity, Maya, Zbrush.
-Bachelor’s Degree.
-A good level of Spanish.
Additional Information.
The work will start at the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020.
Professional salaries, to be determined.
The full-time workday consists of a total of 44 hours a week, 8 hours Monday-Friday and 4 Hours on Saturdays at our offices in Guadalajara.
Of course we will continue to create more games until the end of time! That means you could work on our future and more ambitious AAA projects! And climb to a privileged position to be part of the first team that started it all.
-Portfolio and / or demo reel.
-A small resume of one sheet, telling us about you, starting with your personal information: Name, Age, City of residence, Nationality, if you have a disability or illness and the position you want to apply. Subsequently, a small redaction telling us, why do you want to work for Itzacom, what are your goals and objectives, your favorite games, what are your talents, skills, strengths and weaknesses. And anything you want to add, it is not necessary to be so formal, express yourself as you are!
-Attach a photo of yourself on the second sheet of your resume, do not be shy! Remember that we are looking for social people !!
Send us your application here:
It is VERY important that the title of your e-mail start with the position that you are applying, followed by Full-time or Freelance and your name. Example: Illustrator, Full-Time, Hector Rivera Couoh.
The applications will end between December 2019 or until February 2020.
If you have already applied, feel free to continue sending us your next projects or notify us for updates in your portfolio to the same email, following the same thread of your application. For any questions, you can send us a message through our Facebook or preferably by private Discord itzaspace#1991
Have a nice day!